song submissions is one of our main methods of discovering new artists to work with.

This submission portal is listened to weekly by an internal Live2 curator. This is our main method of discovering new artists. Artists discovered through this portal have gone on to be featured on the ANA Playlist, do music videos with Live2, release songs with Live2, and on occasion have gone on to become full Live2 artists. In a world where algorithms control the fate of musicians, and music companies won’t touch anything unless it has momentum… we want to change that. (Although I feel inclined to note, we are extremely exclusive and can only dedicate our time to a very select few artists… so be dope as hell.)

*Why a $5.00 submission fee?* In the past, we’ve had people submit random clips and songs as a joke, or flood the portal by submitting hundreds of their own songs... This has cluttered our portal, therefore hindering our ability to find the best artists. The small submission fee ensures us that the artists who submit are as serious about their work as we are, and allows us the funds to be able to pay the Live2 members who go through listening to hour and hours worth of music! In the case you cannot afford the $5 entry fee, please feel free to make a TikTok directed at @livetwocreate about why we should know your music (or audition for backyard idol!). Thank you for understanding.